Breathing Yoga Tags - Pranayama
Creating a sacred space
Spicy chai before and after practice here in The Yoga Barn is part of a sacred daily...
talks about Asana, beginner, breath, classes, devon, freedom, friends, Grace, healing, health, Ilfracombe, meditation, OM, Pranayama, pregnancy Yoga, Sadhana, self-healing, silence, stillness, the yoga barn, Woolacombe, yoga for men, Yoga North Devon, yoga therapy
The breath
“When you were born your whole body breathed. Every cell quivered with the vitality of the breath....
talks about beginner, breath, celebrate, classes, devon, freedom, friends, Grace, health, Ilfracombe, meditation, Music, OM, Pranayama, pregnancy Yoga, reiki, Sadhana, satsang, self-healing, silence, stillness, the yoga barn, Woolacombe, Yoga North Devon, yoga therapy
Lord Ganesh library @ The Yoga Barn
We have now a very comprehensive library in The Yoga Barn available for borrowing! If you are...
talks about Asana, B. K. S. Iyengar, beginner, Bhakti, books, breath, Buddha, celebrate, children, classes, devon, freedom, friends, Grace, health, Kirtan, kundalini, library, light, meditation, Music, new year, OM, poetry, Pranayama, pregnancy Yoga, reiki, Sadhana, satsang, self-healing, silence, stillness, surfing, the yoga barn, truth, welcome, Woolacombe, yoga for children, yoga for men, Yoga North Devon, yoga therapy, zen, zen-buddhism
The power of the breath
The breath is remarkable. You can learn a lot from the breath. It is profoundly wise. It`s...
talks about beginner, breath, classes, devon, freedom, Grace, health, light, meditation, Pranayama, Sadhana, self-healing, silence, stillness, the yoga barn, welcome, yoga for children, yoga for men, Yoga North Devon, yoga therapy
a brand new day
Today I started early. In the dark. Sent my little people on their way to their big...
talks about Asana, celebrate, children, freedom, Noola, Pranayama, Sadhana, self-healing, silence, stillness, truth, yoga for children