Regular Small Group Sessions on Wednesdays

Wednesday 14th October, 2020
The Yoga Barn, Lincombe, Lee, North Devon.

As well as our regular privately booked small group yoga/ meditation/deep relaxation, chair yoga and yoga therapy sessions here @theyogabarndevon, which all resume on October 12th, I will continue to offer two regular small group sessions on  W e d n e s d a y s  (October 14th, 21st and 28th):


G e n t l e flow from 10.30 am

Br e a t h e and flow from 6 pm


In these sessions, you will find us:

moving gently and breathing with awareness;

taking time to meet ourselves and others compassionately

nurturing a safe space for our practices to flourish

meditating and resting deeply

Please let me know if you would like to join us sometime.

Safety guidelines and more details will be shared with you upon booking (booking is essential).